Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Chapter Part 1 Momentum, Impulse, Collisions

Prof. Clements Notes/Hints for Physics Courses
Chapter 8 Part 1 Open Stax College Physics or Most Introductory Physics Courses
Momentum, Impulse, Collisions

Terms you should know at the end of this unit: momentum, internal force, external force, impulse, conservation of momentum, collision, KE, elastic collision, inelastic collision

Linear Momentum and Force
Your studies in this chapter will inform you about the second great conservation law of physics, conservation of momentum. Momentum is a very useful quantity for the analysis of motion of objects. It is calculated by multiplying the mass and velocity for an object. The symbol for momentum is p.
p = mv The units of momentum are kg m/sec. Momentum is a vector that has the same direction as the velocity of the object. The form of Newton’s Second Law that we have been using is actually a special case of a more general law. Fnet = Δ p/ Δ t
The text shows how F = ma is derived from the general law.

F = ma is not the form of the original “Newton’s Second Law.”
F = change in momentum / time interval is the original form of Newton’s second law.

When a rocket is launched the equation F = ma is not directly useful for finding the acceleration so we cannot just use the four kinematic equations to determine the rocket’s motion. The mass will be changing as fuel is consumed so the acceleration is not constant. Also, the rate of use of fuel (and thus the force) is variable for real rocket launches.

In a system that consists of more than one object, the total momentum is found by adding the separate momenta of each object.

Impulse is found by multiplying the average force by the length of time that the force was acting. Impulse is equal to the change in momentum. F Δt = Δp
The Force will be the average, or effective, force during the time interval.
e.g. Two objects are thrown with a speed of 5 m/s toward a wall. Ball A stops when it hits the wall and does not rebound. Ball B rebounds. Does the wall exert the same force on the two balls?
Answer The impulse on Ball A is greater than the impulse on Ball B. You may assume the contact times are equal for the two collisions. The momentum for Ball A went from some value to zero. The change in momentum for ball B is twice as large (due to the rebound) as the change in momentum for ball A so the force on B is larger by a factor of 2. Also, consider the work done by the forces. The force on ball A has just stopped the ball. The force on ball B has stopped the ball and then accelerated it away from the wall.

The use of “shock absorbers” in car bumpers is a safety and car care device. In a low speed (e.g. 5 mile/hour or about 10 m/s) accident the shock absorber creates a longer time of collision which leads to a smaller contact force and less damage to the bumper.

Think about the equation Fnet = Δ p/ Δ t and try to write an explanation of the importance of bending your knees when you land after jumping.

Describe the hitting technique that causes the greatest change in momentum for a tennis ball.
Answer: Follow through the swing. This will lead to longer contact time and more impulse.

Conservation of Momentum
If the external forces add to zero then the total momentum of the system will be conserved (ptotal will be a constant). Consider Fnet = Δ p/ Δ t . If the net force is zero then Δ p is zero. The momentum has not changed. We will use the expression pfinal - pinitial = 0 or, pfinal = pinitial

The total momentum of an isolated system of bodies remains constant.

Q6. A halfback who weighs 180 pounds launches himself towards the goal line with the football at 10 m/sec. A 220 pound linebacker launches himself towards the halfback at 7 m/sec. They collide such that the football is just a fraction of an inch away from the goal line.
Will the ball cross the goal line?
Answer: Each player has momentum. When they meet in the air, instead of having their feet pushing on the ground, the external force is zero. If one or both players push on the ground you cannot use conservation of momentum to solve this problem. One of the players has positive momentum and the other negative as one of the velocities will be in the negative direction. You don’t need to convert units. Mass is proportional to weight on the Earth. You must use the same units on both sides of the conservation of momentum equation.
180 lb *10 m/s - 220 lb * 7 m/s = (180 lb + 220 lb) * Vfinal

Vfinal = + 0.65 m/s . The velocity of the two person lump is positive so the touchdown is scored.

Questions for thought:
Suppose that a car crash on a street occurs and both drivers apply their brakes during the collision. Is momentum conserved for this collision? Explain.
Answer: No. The net external force is not zero due to friction of the road on the cars.

Why does a rifle recoil when it is shot?
Answer: The momentum of the system before the rifle is shot is zero. The explosion in the chamber that pushes the bullet out the rifle is an internal force. Assume that the rifle is only lightly held so the external force is about zero. The total momentum of the bullet and the rifle must be zero after the shot is fired. The bullet goes in one direction with positive momentum. The rifle moves in the other direction with negative momentum.

Elastic Collisions in One Dimension
There are three types of collisions that occur between objects:
1) elastic (also called perfectly elastic) KE of the system is conserved eg. atomic collisions;
2) inelastic some KE is lost e.g. kicking a football, hitting a tennis ball;
3) completely inelastic much KE is lost e.g. a lineman tackles a halfback in football; two train cars link together; air track cars with velcro strips stick together; a ball is caught by a pendulum.

If the external forces can be ignored, momentum is conserved in all types of collisions. This fact makes the momentum quantity very useful in analyzing collisions.

In a collision between a car and a truck, the force of the car on the truck is the same value as the force of the truck on the car. The forces have the same magnitude. This is a Newton’s Third Law concept.

When the equations of conservation of momentum and conservation of kinetic energy are combined we find that

V1new = V1 * (m1 – m2) / (m1 + m2) + 2 * V2 * m2 / (m1 + m2)

V2new = 2*V1*m1 / (m1 + m2) - V2 * (m1 – m2) / (m1 + m2)

You should deduce the answers to the following. Ask your instructor if you have questions.
How do these equations simplify for the case of V2 = 0 (target at rest) and
a) m1 = m2 ? b) m1 >> m2 ? c) m1 << m2 ?

What will happen if a pair of elastic balls are dropped in line onto a hard surface? The balls are dropped at the same time and the top object collides directly with the top of the bottom object as the bottom object rebounds from the hard surface.  Let the mass of the top ball be very small compared to the mass of the bottom ball.  If the balls have a speed V when approaching the hard surface, what is the speed of the top ball as it leaves the collision?

Try this demonstration on your own and share your observations with someone in your physics class: Lay a marble in the groove of a plastic ruler (or just on the table).
a) Shoot a marble with similar mass at the stationary marble. Observe the collision.
b) Shoot a massive steel ball at a stationary marble. Observe the collision.
c) Shoot a marble at stationary, massive, steel ball. Observe the collision.

Read about the operation of “Newton’s Cradle” in your textbook or on the Internet. This item is often seen in science gift shops at museums.

Copyright© 2017 by Greg Clements Permission is granted to reproduce this document as long as 1) this copyright notice is included, 2) no charge of any kind is made, and, 3) the use is for an educational purpose. Editing of the document to suit your own class style and purposes is allowed.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Chapter 7 Part 2 Conservation of Energy Including Examples with Friction

Prof. Clements Notes/Hints for Physics Courses
Chapter 7 Part 2 Open Stax College Physics or Most Introductory Physics Courses
Friction, Conservation of Energy

Terms you should know at the end of this unit: nonconservative, conservation of energy, efficiency

Friction - Nonconservative Forces
For a nonconservative force the path of motion makes a difference in the work done and the change in energy of the system. The direction of the force of friction is always opposite to the direction of velocity, when the object is in motion. The direction of the force of friction is always opposite to the direction of the net applied force, when the object is at rest. The full friction force, not just some component in the X direction for example, is used to calculate the work done by friction. The work done by friction is equal to the force of friction multiplied by the distance traveled, not by the straight line displacement.

Conservation of Energy
For the mathematical statement of Conservation of Energy I will use:
KE1 + PE1 + Workfriction = KE2 + PE2 .
KE is the energy for objects in motion, ½ m V2 .
PE is the energy by virtue of position or configuration:
mgh for vertical problems, ½ k X2 for springs.
Workfriction will be a negative number as friction takes away energy.

I would recommend that you watch this video: Mechanical Universe #13 Conservation of Energy (28 minutes).

Work Done by Nonconservative Forces
The concept here is that the amount of energy available at the start of the problem is not all available for KE and PE at the end of the problem because work is done by dissipative forces. KE1 + PE1 is the supply of energy at the start of the problem. KE2 + PE2 is the amount of energy in the system at the end of the problem.

KE1 + PE1 + Workfriction = KE2 + PE2 The left side calculates the supply of energy at the start as adjusted by the work done by friction. The work done by friction is a negative number. The right side calculates the supply of energy at the end. If friction is present in a problem then KE2 + PE2 < KE1 + PE1 .

Note that the PE terms are actually the work done by the conservative forces. It is just more convenient to express these energies as PE rather than Work calculations.

Why is the work done by friction always a negative number?
Answer: The friction force arrow is a direction 180 degrees opposite to the direction of the velocity. Work = F cos( θ) d . The value of cos(180 degrees) is -1.

e.g. #1 A 10 kg block of wood is resting on an inclined plane that has an angle of 62 degrees to the horizontal. The coefficient of friction is 0.0. The wood is 1.4 meters up from the bottom of the plane as measured along the direction of the plane. The wood is released from rest. Calculate the speed of the wood just before it reaches the bottom of the plane.

e.g. #2 This problem is a repeat of e.g. #1 but now with friction on the plane.
   A 10 kg block of wood is resting on an inclined plane that has an angle of 62 degrees to the horizontal. The coefficient of static friction is 0.22. The coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.18. The wood is 1.4 meters up from the bottom of the plane. The wood is released from rest. Calculate the speed of the wood just before it reaches the bottom of the plane.

e.g. #3 An object (mass m) slides down a ramp (ramp angle theta) and compresses a spring (force constant k) on the ramp.  Find the general expression for the distance the spring is compressed.  Ignore friction.

e.g. #4 An object (mass m) slides down a ramp and then moves around a circular loop (radius r).  Determine the expression that allows you to calculate the starting height (above the exit of the loop) for the object.  Ignore friction.

e.g. #5 An object (2 kg) starts a distance of 3 meters from the bottom of a ramp (25 degrees) as measured along the ramp. The object slides down a ramp and then moves on a horizontal surface that has friction (coefficient of friction 0.24). On this horizontal surface the object compresses a spring (force constant 900 N/m).  Calculate the distance the spring is compressed.

Watch YouTube videos and ask your instructor if you have questions on this material.

Efficiency = Work Done by System/ Energy Put Into System

e.g. A new car engine might have an efficiency of 30% (according to the table in the OpenStax Physics textbook). Suppose you put $40 of gas into the tank of the car. This is the value of the energy put into the car. What is the dollar value of the work done by the engine?
Answer: 0.30 = W / $40 so W = 0.30 * $40 or $12 ! The other $28 basically went out the exhaust pipe.
For a total car system there is energy loss in the brakes, transmission, wheels, etc., so the overall efficiency drops to 20% or less.

Why do hybrid cars (electric motors on wheels, large battery, small engine, etc.) have higher efficiencies than other cars?
Answer: A large improvement in efficiency comes in the braking system. In a hybrid car, when you step on the brake pedal the motors that drive the wheels become electrical generators. During the braking process the batteries are recharged. On regular cars the braking process creates thermal energy that escapes into the environment and can’t be used in the future to accelerate the car.

Copyright© 2017 by Greg Clements Permission is granted to reproduce this document as long as 1) this copyright notice is included, 2) no charge of any kind is made, and, 3) the use is for an educational purpose. Editing of the document to suit your own class style and purposes is allowed.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Chapter 7 Part 1 Kinetic Energy, Potential Energy, Gravity, Springs

 Prof. Clements Notes/Hints for Physics Courses
Chapter 7 Part 1 Open Stax College Physics or Most Introductory Physics Courses
Work, Kinetic Energy, Potential Energy

Terms you should know at the end of this unit: energy, work, kinetic energy, potential energy, conservative force, force constant

Physics has a specific definition for work. For the work value to be non-zero the force that acts on the body must have a component in the direction of the displacement. You should read the text explanation and examples.

The work done on a body is NOT simply calculated by multiplying the net force acting on a body by the distance that the object travels. In some cases the net force will not be parallel to the displacement. In those cases you must use the component of the force that is parallel to the displacement when you calculate work.

Work= (Force component that is parallel to the displacement vector) * displacement
W = F d cos(θ) or W = F cos(θ) d; θ is the angle between the force vector and the displacement vector

The metric unit of work is the Joule. 1 Newton of force acting parallel to a displacement of 1 meter does 1 Joule of work on the object.

Kinetic Energy (KE)
Energy also has a physics definition. Energy is not a substance. You will use energy calculations in order to solve problems related to the position or motion of objects. Energy can be defined as the ability of a body or system of bodies to perform work.

When work is done on an object, energy is transferred to an object or energy is taken away from an object. The work and energy concepts provide a powerful tool for solving problems that cannot easily be solved with the methods you have studied before this chapter.

Work-Energy Theorem
(½) mV2 is a form of energy called Translational Kinetic Energy (KE). m is the mass in kg of the object that is moving and V is its speed in meters/second. You will use a slightly different calculation to compute rotational kinetic energy in a future chapter.

Your textbook probably derives Work = ½ mV2 – ½ m Vo2 or, Work = change in KE, using the kinematic equations that rely on constant acceleration. Using the tools of calculus the same relationship can be derived for situations in which the acceleration changes. This relationship assumes that the object is moving in a horizontal direction (not closer or farther from the center of the Earth). This relationship assumes that the object is not compressing or extending any springs, etc. The reason for these assumptions will be explained as you read the chapter in your textbook.

You may notice that the kinetic energy has no direction associated with it. Kinetic energy is a scalar. You won’t have to use components of vectors as much in this chapter compared to the chapters on Force.

Suppose objects A and B have the same mass. Object A is traveling at a velocity of 4 m/s North. Object B is traveling at a velocity of 12 m/s East. Object B does not have three times as much translational kinetic energy (kinetic energy) as object A. Object B will have 9 times more kinetic energy. The velocity is squared when the kinetic energy is calculated.

Notice that the direction of the velocity has no effect on the amount of kinetic energy.

Applications and Concepts
Stopping Distance for a Car
The stopping distance of a car depends on the square of the car’s speed.
The brakes perform work to take away kinetic energy from the car and reduce its speed. The work done by the brakes is Ffriction * d. To stop the car, Ffriction * d = (1/2)mVo2. Given that the force of friction of the brakes and the mass of the car are constant, distance is proportional to the square of the velocity (speed). The distance the brake pads “move” across the metal plate in the brake is related to the distance the car moves as it stops.

Work Done on Orbitting Satellite
Suppose a satellite is moving in uniform circular motion around the earth. The force of gravity between the earth and the satellite is not equal to zero but does the force of gravity do any work on the satellite?
To answer this question first identify the value of the angle between the direction of the force of gravity on the satellite and the direction of the instantaneous velocity of the satellite. This angle is 90 degrees (for a circular orbit). The force of gravity thus has no component in the direction of motion. The value of the work done by the force of gravity is zero * distance traveled. The work done by the force of gravity of the earth on the satellite is equal to zero.

Acceleration Not Constant
Suppose that in a certain situation the force acting on an object is not constant. You cannot use the four equations of motion V = Vo + at, etc., to calculate the final velocity and final kinetic energy because the acceleration is not constant. But, if you are told the amount of work done on the object you can calculate the change in kinetic energy for the object and find the final velocity. This will be a common type of problem in this chapter.

e.g. A certain object has 20 Joules of kinetic energy. It is moving on a horizontal, frictionless surface. If its speed is doubled by some unknown acceleration over an unknown time, what is the new value of its kinetic energy?
Answer: The kinetic energy is proportional to the square of the velocity. The velocity has increased by a factor of 2. The kinetic energy increases by a factor of 22 . The new KE is 4 * 20 Joules = 80 Joules.

Gravitational Potential Energy (PE)
A system has “potential” energy due to its position (e.g. height above the floor) The system can gain potential energy when work is done on the system. The system can release potential energy into the form of kinetic energy at some later time.

Work is required to lift an object in a vertical direction. To move the object upward with no acceleration, the force applied must match the weight (mg) of the object.
Work = F d cos(θ) . Consider the application of a force on an object off mass m in an upward, vertical direction. You can replace F with mg. The angle is 0 degrees and the value of cos(0 degrees) is 1. The symbol “h” is the traditional symbol for a vertical displacement. When you make these substitutions you find that the work done in lifting an object, at constant speed, by a height “h” near the surface of the Earth is
Work = m * g * h
Note that this calculation is only allowed if "g" and m are constant. If the vertical distance is "too large" "g" will change and the work value is different than mgh. The value of "g" due to Earth's gravity is reduced by 1% if h has a value of about 32 km (20 miles). When h is larger than 30 km you should use a different method to calculate the work done by, or against, gravity. The more accurate equation will be discussed later in this unit.

If the force is directed upward the work has given the object gravitational potential energy. There will be an elastic potential energy when work is done on a spring. During this process you should assume that the value of the kinetic energy of the object did not change (i.e. started at rest, ends at rest at the new height). mgh actually calculates the change in the PE of the system due to the change in location. Only changes in PE are important in solving problems. The specific value of the PE at one location does not help you solve a problem (unless you know the PE is zero at the other point in the problem).

e,g. A student has left a 2 kg book on the floor. Suppose you do work on the book and lift it a distance of 1.5 meters such that you have given the book 29.4 Joules of potential energy. If the book slips out of your hand and falls back to the floor what is the speed just before it hits the floor? Ignore air resistance.
Answer: The potential energy the book has before it slips out of your hand will become kinetic energy as the book moves towards the floor. Just at the instant the book hits the floor all of the potential energy you gave to the book becomes kinetic energy for the book. The book has 29.4 J of KE. 29.4 J = ½ m V2 . 29.4 J = ½ (2 kg) V2 .
Solving for V you should have the result that V = 5.42 m/s.
(This is a preview of the next unit in chapter 7.)

The location where the potential energy is zero (the reference level) is not always at ground level. You can set the zero point for PE at any location. Typically, PE will be zero at the start or end of the motion.

Which situation has the greatest change in gravitational potential energy?
a) A 5 kg ball is lifted from the ground to a point 2 meters above the ground.
b) A 5 kg ball is moved from a table that is 0.5 meters above the ground to a shelf that is 2.5 meters above the ground.
Answer: The change in the PE is the same for both situations. Only the height difference is important. “h” in mgh is the change in the vertical location. I will assume that “g” is constant near the surface of the Earth.

Conservative Forces and Potential Energy
For conservative forces the work done in moving between two locations only depends on the start and end positions. The work does not depend on the particular path (route) taken. Gravity and spring forces are conservative. The force of friction is not conservative as the work done by friction will be greater if the distance traveled is greater. This is because the force of friction vector always changes to be opposite the direction of motion. The gravitational force vector is always pointed towards the center of the Earth and does not change direction as the object has a mixture of horizontal and vertical motion on its path.

Conservative forces have an associated PE. Non-conservative forces do not have an associated PE. There is a PE for gravity and for springs. There is no PE associated with the force of friction.

Hooke’s Law F = - k X
This notation emphasizes (using the minus sign) that the direction of the force due to the spring at the end of the spring is in the opposite direction to the stretch or compression of the spring.

When a spring is relaxed its stretch or compression value, X, is zero. In order to stretch or compress a spring you must apply a force to the spring. There is a linear relationship between the force applied and the stretch or compression of the spring.

Recall that “k” represents the force constant. k = -F/X
e.g. If a 10 Newton force is required to stretch a spring by 0.2 meters, the force constant is
- (-10)/0.2 or 50 Newtons/meter. “k” is a constant value for one particular spring. The force required to stretch this spring by 0.1 meters will be F = 50 N/m * 0.1 meters or 5 Newtons.

Springs that have smaller k values are easier to stretch.

The value of “k” is ALWAYS positive. If you calculate "k" and have a negative value you have not used the + or - sign correctly for the force or the value of X.

e.g. Calculate k for a car spring if adding 900 kg of cargo to the car makes the body of the car sink toward the ground by 0.05 meters. Treat the four springs at the corners of the car as a single spring.
Answer: 900 kg creates a downward force of 900 * (- 9.8) or -8820 Newtons. The spring pushes back with the force of +8820 Newtons. k = F/x or -(8820 N) / (-0.05 meters)
k = 1.76 x 105 N/m

Note that the force of the spring is not constant as a spring is stretched. This leads to non-constant acceleration for spring motion problems. This is why springs were not discussed in the earlier chapters. By using energy methods (KE, PE) you will be able to study the motion of springs.

Potential Energy for Spring
The elastic potential energy is PE = ½ k X2 . Note that the PE is always positive since X is squared. Work is done on a spring when it is compressed or extended from its relaxed position.

e.g. A spring has a force constant of 300 N/m. How much work is done when this spring is stretched by 6 centimeters? Assume that the spring is at rest before and after it is stretched. You do not know the value of the mass attached to the end of the spring. Ignore friction.
Answer: The work done is equal to the PE now stored in the spring. PE = ½ k X2
PE = ½ (300 N/m) (0.06 m)2
(Note the units N/m times m2 yield Newtons * meters, the units of work.)
In this problem W = PE. W = 0.54 Joules

You should perform your own calculations of gravitational and elastic potential energy. Ask your instructor when you have questions on this material. The next unit will also give your more practice in performing these calculations.

YouTube videos of my (usually short) lectures and example problems are indexed at . There are also a few videos that give review of basic math tools that are used in an introductory physics course.

Copyright© 2017 by Greg Clements Permission is granted to reproduce this document as long as 1) this copyright notice is included, 2) no charge of any kind is made, and, 3) the use is for an educational purpose. Editing of the document to suit your own class style and purposes is allowed.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Chapter 6 Part 3 Tides, Tidal Lock, Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion

Prof. Clements Notes/Hints for Physics Courses
Chapter 6 Part 3 Open Stax College Physics or Most Introductory Physics Courses
Tides, Tidal Lock, Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion, Miscellaneous Topics

Terms you should know at the end of this unit: tide, tidal lock, Kepler's Laws

Those who live in Nebraska, or other landlocked states, have a handicap when it comes to appreciating tides. Tides in the ocean cause the water level to vary several feet (or more) depending on the location of the Moon in the sky.

For an Earth that is covered in water (no land) the average height difference from low tide to high tide is about 3 feet. There are locations on Earth where the shape of the ocean floor causes the tides to vary by 60 feet. Also, the crust of the Earth flexes due to tides about 8 inches twice a day. (Ref: Astronomy by Fix, 6th ed. pages 94, 95)

The tides are not caused by the Moon’s gravity lifting water off of the surface of the Earth. One piece of evidence for this is that there are two high tide locations around the Earth. One high tide location is approximately underneath the Moon and the other is 180 degrees around the Earth from this location. Water flows along the surface of the Earth from approximately 90 degrees away from the direction to the Moon to form the high tide region. Where the water is flowing from becomes a low tide region.

The Moon has more tide effect than the Sun because it is closer to the Earth than the Sun. This leads to a larger difference in the Moon’s force at various points on Earth compared to differences in the force due to the Sun around the Earth
You should watch some videos that explain the tides and ask your instructor if you have questions.

Tides Slow the Earth’s Rotation
Water flowing on the Earth creates a friction force that slows down the rotation of the Earth. The slow down is only 0.0016 seconds per CENTURY but the effect is cumulative and noticeable over time. Corals have daily growth rings and seasonal growth rings similar to the annual growth rings of trees. The evidence indicates that the Earth only needed 22 hours for one rotation about 400 million years ago.

Also, the locations of solar eclipses from computer predictions don’t match the locations recorded by ancient cultures unless the slow down of the Earth’s rotation is taken into account. The Moon’s shadow comes to small area at the Earth (about 100 miles). The eclipse track is often not parallel to the equator of the Earth. The Earth spins and places observers into position to have the Moon’s shadow sweep across the observer. If the spin rate was 24 hours in the distant past the solar eclipses would have been seen from different locations than what is recorded.

Tides Enlarge the Moon’s Orbit
Astronomers know that the size of the Moon’s orbit is increasing. Astronomers measure the time for laser beams to return to Earth from the Moon.
Distance = speed of light * round trip travel time/2

The Earth-Moon system has angular momentum in it spin and revolution. As the Earth slows down, the Moon must move to a larger distance from the Earth to keep a constant value for the angular momentum. This is a well confirmed law of physics.

Tidal Lock
The Moon always has one face towards the Earth because of an effect known as tidal lock. The Earth creates tides in the crust of the Moon that distort the Moon a little into an elongated shape rather than a perfect sphere. The long axis of the elongated Moon points approximately towards the Earth. If the Moon tries to rotate away from this alignment the force of gravity of the Earth creates a restoring force that brings the Moon back in line. You should make your own sketch of this situation to convince yourself of these statements.

Because of tidal lock the Moon spins once on its axis for every orbit around the Earth. This causes us (on Earth) to always see the same side of the Moon.

Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion
Ask your instructor if you need to memorize Kepler’s Laws of planetary motion. You should know that Newton was able to derive Kepler’s Three Laws of planetary motion using the Law of Universal Gravitation and calculus.  A summary of the three laws: 1) The planets move on elliptical orbits around the Sun which is at one focus of the ellipse, 2) The planets move faster when they are closer to the Sun in their ellipse, 3) There is a relation between the size of the orbit and the period of the orbit.

You should be able to do the algebra of deriving Kepler’s Third Law. Recall Fc = mV2 / r . Here m is the mass of the planet and r is the size of the planet orbit. Replace the V in the centripetal force equation with ( 2 pi r / T ) and substitute Newton's Law of Gravity (with the masses being the planet and the Sun) for Fc. Simplify. You will now have a relation between the orbit size, mass of the sun, and orbit period. If you choose to use units of years for time and Astronomical Units (AU) for distance, the relationship simplifies to P2 = a3, where P is the period in years and "a" is the semimajor axis of the planet's ellipse measured in AUs.

Kepler’s description that the planets traveled on ellipses with the Sun at one focus simplified the model of the solar system. Before this, solar system models that used circles had to have multiple circles to carry the planets around in order to approximately match the observed positions and motions of the planets. This was especially true for the Ptolemaic, Earth-centered, model of the solar system.

Space Debris
Man-made objects have been put into orbit around the Earth since 1957. In the process of putting satellites into orbit covers, small bolts, empty rocket fuel containers, etc. also went into orbit. The debris in space around the Earth is starting to become a problem. Some of the debris has substantial mass and all of it has substantial speed. A collision with an astronaut on a space walk or with a spacecraft could be fatal. Occasionally the thrusters on the International Space Station (ISS) are used to change the ISS orbit to prevent possible collisions with this debris.

Copyright© 2017 by Greg Clements Permission is granted to reproduce this document as long as 1) this copyright notice is included, 2) no charge of any kind is made, and, 3) the use is for an educational purpose. Editing of the document to suit your own class style and purposes is allowed.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Chapter 6 Part 2 Gravity, Orbits, Escape Velocity, "Weightlessness", Cavendish Experiment

Prof. Clements Notes/Hints for Physics Courses
Chapter 6 Part 2 Open Stax College Physics or Most Introductory Physics Courses
Gravity, Orbits, Escape Velocity, "Weightlessness", Cavendish Experiment

Terms you should know at the end of this unit: gravity, Cavendish, “weightlessness,” geosynchronous

Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation
The force of gravity can be calculated by this equation:

          G M1 M2            Where F is the force, G is a constant,
F = --------------          M1 and M2 are the masses that are attracting,
             R2                  R is the distance between the centers of the two (spherical) objects

It takes two objects to produce a gravitational force.
The gravitational force always attracts, never repels.
If the mass is greater the force will be greater.
If the distance between the centers of the objects is greater the force will be less.
The effect of R in this case is called an inverse square relation. The force gets smaller as the distance becomes larger at a rate given by the square of R.
G = 6.673×1011N m2 / kg2 This value was not known until 1798.

e.g. An astronaut weighs 180 pounds on the Earth. How much will the astronaut weigh when the astronaut is a distance of two times the radius of the Earth above the Earth? You don’t need to do a detailed calculation. You can use the principle of proportions to solve this.

Answer: The 180 pounds is the force value when R = 1 REarth . The mass of the Earth and the mass of the astronaut do not change when the astronaut is in space compared to their values on the Earth. We do not have to calculate using the full gravity equation, we may use the concept of proportions. In space the distance to the astronaut from the center of the Earth is 3 REarth . The force (weight) will be less because R is larger. The force will be less by a factor of R squared. R is larger by a factor or 3 so the force is smaller by a factor of 9…. (32). The new weight of the astronaut is 180 lbs / 9 or 20 lbs.

You should read the section in your textbook that discusses how the force of gravity of the Earth on the Moon creates the observed centripetal acceleration of the Moon. Newton did not do this calculation since he did not know the value for G. But he did observe that the centripetal acceleration for the Moon is about 1/3600 of “g.” Newton also knew that the distance to the Moon is about 60 * RE.
How would this have helped Newton confirm he was on the right track for his law of gravity?
Answer: Q2. Note that 3600 is 602 . Newton reasoned that the force became weaker proportional to the square of the distance between the centers of the objects.

Does Jupiter exerts a gravitational force on you?
Answer: Yes Every piece of mass in the universe attracts every other piece of mass in the universe. That is why this gravity law is called the “universal” law of gravitation. But, the force of gravity on you due to Jupiter is very small compared to the force of the gravity on you due to the Earth.

Some scientists who learned of Newton’s ideas thought that gravity had a limited range (e.g. some said the Earth’s gravity did not extend beyond our atmosphere). The study of comets by Edmund Halley (of Halley’s comet fame) showed that the Sun’s gravity extended throughout the solar system. As far as physicists know, the force of gravity works the same way on Earth as it does throughout most of the universe. The exceptions are situations in which the density value is high (e.g. White Dwarf stars, neutron stars, black holes).

Mass of the Earth
The acceleration due to gravity on an object can be measured. The radius of the Earth is known from surveying on the Earth (and using proportions). After the value for G, the constant in the Law of Gravitation, was measured scientists could calculate the mass of the Earth. You should convince yourself that this is possible.
                     G MEarth mperson
mpersong = --------------------       Now, cancel the mass of the person      
                              R2                         and solve for Mass of the Earth.

The Earth exerts gravitational force on objects in space. How could this fact be used to determine the mass of the Earth?
Answer: Occasionally small asteroids pass near the Earth. As they fly by the Earth the force of gravity due to the Earth causes their flight path to change. Astronomers measure this change and then calculate the mass of the Earth.

You should substitute Newton’s expression for the force of gravity into the equation for centripetal force, Fc = mV2 /R to eliminate Fc. Then simplify.

   mV2              G M1 m
------------ = --------------
     R                    R2

     V2                G M1                      so M = V2 R / G or V2 = G M / R
------------ = --------------                    V is the speed of an object in a circular orbit.
      1                     R

Masses of other planets and stars
Think of a way astronomers might have found a value for the mass of Pluto before the New Horizon spacecraft flew by Pluto in July 2015.
Answer: If the size of the orbit and the time for one orbit for a moon of Pluto is measured, then the mass can be calculated. The force of gravity from the planet provides the centripetal force for the orbiting moon. The only unknown is the mass of the planet. This method was used in 1978 when the moon Charon was discovered to calculate the mass of Pluto. This same technique is used to find the mass for other planets, asteroids with moons, stars, and galaxies.

The mass of the Sun can be computed from data for the Earth's orbit.

The mass of an asteroid can be approximately calculated from data on the orbit of a moon around the asteroid.

Orbital Speed
You may have noticed that a rocket headed to orbit does not leave the launch pad in a completely vertical path. The initial velocity but soon the rocket starts heading “down range.” i.e. From the Florida launch facility the rocket starts moving eastward over the Atlantic Ocean. The vertical motion during launch is needed to get the rocket above the Earth’s atmosphere to reduce air resistance to the motion. The horizontal (down range) part of the motion is needed to give the satellite enough speed to go into orbit around the Earth.

Satellites in orbit around the Earth are always pulled towards the Earth and accelerate towards the Earth. In order to not hit the Earth, the satellite has to have a forward speed parallel to the land underneath the satellite. As the satellite moves forward and falls towards the Earth, the land of the spherical Earth also “falls away” from the satellite. For the Earth, a satellite in circular “low Earth orbit” has an orbital speed of about 17,500 miles/hour. A low Earth orbit is an orbit that is only a few hundred miles above the surface of the Earth. A satellite in low Earth orbit takes about 90 minutes to complete one orbit.

Objects in orbit have a certain speed based on the mass of the planet and the size of the orbit.
1) For a given orbit size, the speed of the orbit is greater if the mass of the planet is greater.
2) For a given planet mass, the speed of the orbit is smaller if the orbit size is larger.
You should consider why both of these are reasonable statements given what you know about the calculation for the force of gravity.

Calculate the orbital period and speed for a satellite that orbits 236 miles above the Earth. (This is "low" earth orbit and is approximately the orbital position of the International Space Station.)

Geosynchronous Satellites
You have probably noticed that residential satellite TV dishes on different homes are pointed in the same direction. These dishes are receiving signals from a geosynchronous satellite.
Why doesn’t the dish antenna have to continuously move to track the satellite across the sky during the day? ...and how is it possible to receive a signal from the satellite at night??
Answer: The satellites that supply signals to these dish antennas orbit the Earth's center once every 24 hours. This is the same time taken for the satellite dish to complete one rotation around the Earth's rotation axis. So, the two objects have the same rotation rate (e.g. 15 degrees per hour). From the point of view of the satellite dish antenna the satellite is not moving across the sky.

A geosynchronous satellite is in an orbit relatively far from the Earth (22, 236 miles above the Earth). Reference:
At this distance the orbital speed (slow) and orbit size (large) combine to produce one orbit every 24 hours. The Earth also spins once in 24 hours. The position of the geosynchronous satellite in the sky is constant so the dish antenna does not need to move.

Calculate the size of the orbit for a geosynchronous satellite in orbit around the Earth.

The GPS network of satellites are in a medium Earth orbit (not geosynchronous). Your GPS device continuously receives signals from at least four of these satellites and can then calculate your position because it knows the positions of these satellites and the time they sent your device a signal. Reference:

Escape Velocity
An object that is launched from a planet with “escape velocity” leaves the planet or star permanently. Its speed is large enough that the force of gravity cannot stop its motion and have it return to the planet or star. The escape velocity is equal to the square root of 2 times the circular velocity. The Earth’s orbital velocity around the Sun is about 30 kilometers / second. (You are carried along with the Earth 18 miles every second.)

What is the approximate escape velocity from the Sun for an object starting from the position of Earth’s orbit?
Answer: The circular velocity for a circular orbit at the Earth's orbital location is is about 30 km/sec. The square root of 2 is about 1.414. 1.414 times 30 kilometers/second is 42.4 kilometers/second. This is about 95 miles/second.

There are five man-made satellites that are leaving our solar system, Pioneer 10 and 11, Voyager 1 and 2, and New Horizons. They were given the necessary escape velocity to leave the Sun from rockets and gravitational assist when flying by planets

Earth-Moon Orbit
The Earth and Moon both orbit the Sun. Their mutual gravitational forces cause both objects to wobble back and forth around the ellipse that is the path of the center of mass of the Earth –Moon system.
You should calculate the force of gravity between the Sun and the Earth, between the Moon and the Earth, and between the Sun and the Moon. You will discover that the Sun exerts a larger force on the Moon than the Earth exerts on the Moon.

The force of gravity gives an object weight. The force of gravity does not go to zero right above the surface of the Earth or just above the surface of any body. Astronauts in orbit are not truly weightless. They are apparently weightless. Both the astronaut and the spacecraft are accelerating towards the Earth. Both the astronaut and the spacecraft are in orbit around the Earth. No contact force is needed between the astronaut and the spacecraft. If an astronaut steps on a bathroom scale in orbit the scale reads zero. Imagine placing a pen on top of a whiteboard eraser. If they are both allowed to fall towards the floor the eraser will not apply any force to the pen. The pen is apparently weightless since there is no contact force between the objects.

You should view some YouTube videos that discuss Mass and Weight in Orbit.

The Cavendish Experiment: Determining "G"
In 1797 and 1798 Cavendish performed an experiment to determine the value of "G," the universal constant of gravitation. You should read discussion of this experiment in your textbook and watch a video.

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