Thursday, October 5, 2017

Chapter 6 Part 3 Tides, Tidal Lock, Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion

Prof. Clements Notes/Hints for Physics Courses
Chapter 6 Part 3 Open Stax College Physics or Most Introductory Physics Courses
Tides, Tidal Lock, Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion, Miscellaneous Topics

Terms you should know at the end of this unit: tide, tidal lock, Kepler's Laws

Those who live in Nebraska, or other landlocked states, have a handicap when it comes to appreciating tides. Tides in the ocean cause the water level to vary several feet (or more) depending on the location of the Moon in the sky.

For an Earth that is covered in water (no land) the average height difference from low tide to high tide is about 3 feet. There are locations on Earth where the shape of the ocean floor causes the tides to vary by 60 feet. Also, the crust of the Earth flexes due to tides about 8 inches twice a day. (Ref: Astronomy by Fix, 6th ed. pages 94, 95)

The tides are not caused by the Moon’s gravity lifting water off of the surface of the Earth. One piece of evidence for this is that there are two high tide locations around the Earth. One high tide location is approximately underneath the Moon and the other is 180 degrees around the Earth from this location. Water flows along the surface of the Earth from approximately 90 degrees away from the direction to the Moon to form the high tide region. Where the water is flowing from becomes a low tide region.

The Moon has more tide effect than the Sun because it is closer to the Earth than the Sun. This leads to a larger difference in the Moon’s force at various points on Earth compared to differences in the force due to the Sun around the Earth
You should watch some videos that explain the tides and ask your instructor if you have questions.

Tides Slow the Earth’s Rotation
Water flowing on the Earth creates a friction force that slows down the rotation of the Earth. The slow down is only 0.0016 seconds per CENTURY but the effect is cumulative and noticeable over time. Corals have daily growth rings and seasonal growth rings similar to the annual growth rings of trees. The evidence indicates that the Earth only needed 22 hours for one rotation about 400 million years ago.

Also, the locations of solar eclipses from computer predictions don’t match the locations recorded by ancient cultures unless the slow down of the Earth’s rotation is taken into account. The Moon’s shadow comes to small area at the Earth (about 100 miles). The eclipse track is often not parallel to the equator of the Earth. The Earth spins and places observers into position to have the Moon’s shadow sweep across the observer. If the spin rate was 24 hours in the distant past the solar eclipses would have been seen from different locations than what is recorded.

Tides Enlarge the Moon’s Orbit
Astronomers know that the size of the Moon’s orbit is increasing. Astronomers measure the time for laser beams to return to Earth from the Moon.
Distance = speed of light * round trip travel time/2

The Earth-Moon system has angular momentum in it spin and revolution. As the Earth slows down, the Moon must move to a larger distance from the Earth to keep a constant value for the angular momentum. This is a well confirmed law of physics.

Tidal Lock
The Moon always has one face towards the Earth because of an effect known as tidal lock. The Earth creates tides in the crust of the Moon that distort the Moon a little into an elongated shape rather than a perfect sphere. The long axis of the elongated Moon points approximately towards the Earth. If the Moon tries to rotate away from this alignment the force of gravity of the Earth creates a restoring force that brings the Moon back in line. You should make your own sketch of this situation to convince yourself of these statements.

Because of tidal lock the Moon spins once on its axis for every orbit around the Earth. This causes us (on Earth) to always see the same side of the Moon.

Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion
Ask your instructor if you need to memorize Kepler’s Laws of planetary motion. You should know that Newton was able to derive Kepler’s Three Laws of planetary motion using the Law of Universal Gravitation and calculus.  A summary of the three laws: 1) The planets move on elliptical orbits around the Sun which is at one focus of the ellipse, 2) The planets move faster when they are closer to the Sun in their ellipse, 3) There is a relation between the size of the orbit and the period of the orbit.

You should be able to do the algebra of deriving Kepler’s Third Law. Recall Fc = mV2 / r . Here m is the mass of the planet and r is the size of the planet orbit. Replace the V in the centripetal force equation with ( 2 pi r / T ) and substitute Newton's Law of Gravity (with the masses being the planet and the Sun) for Fc. Simplify. You will now have a relation between the orbit size, mass of the sun, and orbit period. If you choose to use units of years for time and Astronomical Units (AU) for distance, the relationship simplifies to P2 = a3, where P is the period in years and "a" is the semimajor axis of the planet's ellipse measured in AUs.

Kepler’s description that the planets traveled on ellipses with the Sun at one focus simplified the model of the solar system. Before this, solar system models that used circles had to have multiple circles to carry the planets around in order to approximately match the observed positions and motions of the planets. This was especially true for the Ptolemaic, Earth-centered, model of the solar system.

Space Debris
Man-made objects have been put into orbit around the Earth since 1957. In the process of putting satellites into orbit covers, small bolts, empty rocket fuel containers, etc. also went into orbit. The debris in space around the Earth is starting to become a problem. Some of the debris has substantial mass and all of it has substantial speed. A collision with an astronaut on a space walk or with a spacecraft could be fatal. Occasionally the thrusters on the International Space Station (ISS) are used to change the ISS orbit to prevent possible collisions with this debris.

Copyright© 2017 by Greg Clements Permission is granted to reproduce this document as long as 1) this copyright notice is included, 2) no charge of any kind is made, and, 3) the use is for an educational purpose. Editing of the document to suit your own class style and purposes is allowed.

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