Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Chapter 1: Course Introduction, Why Study Physics, Units, Conversions, Significant Figures, Fermi Problems, YouTube Videos

Prof. Clements Notes/Hints for Physics Courses
Introduction: Chapter 1 Open Stax College Physics or Most Introductory Physics Courses

I highly recommend that you go to the web site to access the free OpenStax College Physics textbook and resources.

My notes are meant to help you understand the textbook, understand physics, and succeed in your physics course, or help you review physics as you prepare to take another course. These notes/hints are not a substitute for reading the textbook or attending lectures.

YouTube videos of my (usually short) lectures and example problems are indexed at . There are also a few videos that give review of basic math tools that are used in an introductory physics course.

Terms you should know after this unit: law, theory, metric units, English units, significant figure, uncertainty

I agree with the author for the OpenStax College Physics textbook that one of the outcomes of a physics course is that the student is able to apply physics principles to a wide variety of situations. After you complete a physics course you should be better able to understand concepts and solve problems in a wide variety of science courses and careers.

Many fields of study (e.g. engineering, medical school, PT school, optometry, etc.) list physics as a required course to give students basic understanding about forces, matter, energy, properties of light, atoms, etc., and to help students develop their problem solving skills.

As soon as one experiment agrees with a hypothesis the hypothesis is not called a theory. A hypothesis gains the label of “theory” after repeatedly being tested and not found to be untrue. A theory cannot be proven true by an experiment but it can be proven to be false by an experiment. A theory becomes accepted after experiments have verified its predictions.

A theory can be given the name “law” when it has simple language and broad application.

Some would simplify the description of the scientific method to these steps:
1. Observe some process 2. Make a hypothesis 3. Perform a controlled experiment 4. Revise the hypothesis if necessary based on the outcome of the experiment, and perform more controlled experiments.

It is common to discover book titles from the 1700's and 1800's titled "Natural Philosophy." This title matches the title of “Physics” we use today.
(Optional: View and search for natural philosophy.)

The era known as classical physics starts with Galileo's experiments (around 1600) and ends around 1900. The era known as modern physics starts around 1900. From around 1900 through the 1930s physicists became aware of the nature of the atom, the dual nature of light (particle and wave), consequences of moving at high speed, electrons, protons, neutrons, the quantum nature of the universe, the nature of the nucleus of atoms, and many more topics.

Almost 100% of physics courses use metric units (meters, kilograms, seconds, etc.). You may encounter a few problems that contain English units. You may convert the units of metric results into English units (if you live in the USA) so you can get a better understanding of the reasonableness of a result. You need to know how to convert units from English to metric and metric to English. Your textbook likely has a page in the front cover or at the end that has a table of conversion factors. You ask your instructor for help if you have trouble converting units from English units to metric units. There are also YouTube videos (see the end of this document) that will help you review this process.

The second is defined in terms of vibrations of a particular atom. The Earth's rotation is slightly variable and has a long term trend of slowing so it is no longer used to define the unit of time.

For the unit of the meter, the French surveyed a distance, determined the change in latitude (angle), and used a proportion to determine the distance from the North Pole to the equator in 1791. The distance between two marks on a platinum-iridium bar in Paris used to be “the meter.” This physical item survived World War II. But, this standard is not very portable and the distance is not accurately transferable to secondary standard bars for other countries. The meter is now defined using the equation distance = rate * time, where the rate is the speed of light and the time is a small fraction of a second (see the textbook). This definition bypasses the need for a physical object to define the distance of one meter.

The kilogram is set by a physical object that is kept in Paris. The statement in the OpenStax Physics text that an "exact replica" of the standard kilogram is kept by the NIST is perhaps a little bold. Exact measurements are not possible. The NIST kilogram is extremely close to the same mass as the standard kilogram in Paris.

You should memorize the power of ten values for these prefixes: mega, kilo, centi, milli, micro.

Two numbers called "the same order of magnitude" when they have the same “power of ten.”

You should view Table 1.3 in the OpenStax Physics text, or your own textbook, for examples of powers of 10 for distances, masses, and time intervals.

It is worth your time to perform a search on the Internet for …. Powers of Ten video .
In 2017 the Google search engine listed several sites that have this video. The video will give you some appreciation for the extremely wide range of sizes from the very small (nucleus of an atom) to the very large (large scale structures in the universe).

Conversions....I would recommend that you take the starting quantity and divide it by 1 so you have a numerator (your original number) and a denominator. Write the appropriate units on the numerator and denominator. e.g. For 80 meters/second you would have 80 meters / 1 second. This will help you to see which units are in the numerator and which are in the denominator. If you are trying to change the distance unit, the conversion factor has to have the meter unit in the denominator to cancel the meter unit in the numerator.

Converting units is a critical skill that is needed to succeed in a physics course. Review example problems in your textbook or see my YouTube videos if you need help with this.

Self Test ... Convert 1 microCentury into minutes.
Your answer should be about 52.6 minutes. This may be about the length of your lecture class in physics in the USA. So, if you think you were in class a long time, it was not really as long as a century, it was only as long as a microCentury!

Ask your instructor whether he/she makes a distinction between the terms precision and accuracy.

Uncertainty is an important concept. Scientists want to communicate how much confidence they have in a result. e.g. 6.07 cm + or - 0.02 cm represents a better known result than 6.07 + or - 0.08 cm. The first result is firmly believed to be between 6.05 and 6.09 cm. The second result is firmly believed to be between 5.99 and 6.15 cm.

Ask your instructor for guidance on handling the reporting of uncertainty for your work in the lecture part of the course and the lab part of the course. Ask your instructor for guidance on how to determine the number of “significant figures.” A digit is significant when it occurs in the placement in the number where the uncertainty starts. In the paragraph above, the 7 is significant and the number has three significant figures (6, 0, 7). The number 200 has 1 significant figure if the uncertainty is 100; it has 2 significant figures if the uncertainty is 30, and it has 3 significant figures if the uncertainty is 4. The number 0.000034 (with no uncertainty given) has two significant figures, the 3 and 4. Leading zeros for a decimal number are not significant. A basic rule is that the result of a calculation has the number of significant figures equal to the fewest number of significant figures in any data used in the calculation.

Approximation is a valuable skill. Sometimes approximation calculations are called "back of the envelope" calculations. This implies a quick calculation with little concern for precise answers. A very famous person who used this method was Enrico Fermi. He worked on the development of the atomic bomb in World War II.

Some examples of approximation can be found at .

You should download the student solution manual from the OpenStax College Physics web page and work through several example problems for every chapter.
Scroll down until you find the Student Resources section.

In future notes/hints you may find references to the Mechanical Universe videos. These videos are freely available online on YouTube (as of 2017)

YouTube videos of my “short” before-class lectures and example problems are indexed at

Copyright© 2017 by Greg Clements Permission is granted to reproduce this document as long as 1) this copyright notice is included, 2) no charge of any kind is made, and, 3) the use is for an educational purpose. Editing of the document to suit your own class style and purposes is allowed.

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