Monday, September 25, 2017

Chapter 4 Part 2 Newton's Third Law, Free Body Diagrams, Inclined Plane

Prof. Clements Notes/Hints for Physics Courses
Chapter 4 Part 2 Open Stax College Physics or Most Introductory Physics Courses
Newton's Third Law; Normal Force, Tension

Terms you should know at the end of this unit: free body diagram, tension, normal force, inertial reference frames

Newton’s Third Law of Motion
Can you think of a force in the universe that does not have another force associated with it that is equal in magnitude but opposite in direction? The correct answer is, “NO.”

There are no isolated (unpaired) forces in the universe.

Newton's Third Law: Whenever one object exerts a force on a second object, the second object exerts an equal and oppositely directed force on the first object. F21 = - F12

1. As you stand stationary on the floor:
a) There is a downward force on the floor due to your weight.
b) There is an upward force of the floor acting on your feet.
These two forces have the same magnitude (measured in Newtons, or pounds), but the forces act on different objects (floor, you) and are in opposite directions. Your weight pushes down. The floor pushes up.

2. As you walk North across a floor:
a) There is a horizontal force on the floor as you foot pushes on the floor.
b) There is a horizontal force on your foot as the floor pushes on your foot.
These two forces have the same magnitude (measured in Newtons, or pounds), but the forces act on different objects (floor, foot) and are in opposite directions. Your foot pushes in the South direction on the floor. The floor pushes in the North direction on your foot. (Notes: The forces of example 1 are still active in the vertical direction. The force of friction allows walking to take place. Friction will be discussed later.)

3. For the case of a baseball being hit by a bat:
a) There is a force on the ball towards the outfield due to the bat.
b) There is a force on the bat towards home plate due to the ball.
These two forces have the same magnitude (measured in Newtons, or pounds), but the forces act on different objects (ball, bat) and are in opposite directions. The bat pushes the ball towards the outfield. The ball tries to push the bat towards home plate.

The name “Action Reaction” for Newton’s Third Law is misleading in that there is no time delay for the appearance of the “reaction” force. The two forces have equal magnitudes at all times.

The “action reaction” forces always act on different objects.
Make a force diagram for a student who is sitting in a chair. Draw all of the forces that act on the student and all of the Third Law paired forces. You should have an upward force arrow on the person due to the force of contact with the chair. You should have a downward force arrow on the person due to the gravitational force on the person by to the Earth. You should have a downward force arrow on the chair due to the weight of the person. You should have an upward force arrow at the center of the Earth due to the gravitational attraction on the Earth by the person.

It is very important to note that only the forces acting on the object of interest are used in the calculations. You will not use all of the forces drawn in your first sketch.

Systems of Objects and Free-Body Diagram
In systems where there is more than one object you should start your analysis by finding the net EXTERNAL force acting on the system and the total mass of the system. Then you will be able to calculate the acceleration of the system. After this step you will draw the force diagram for a section of the system and calculate the tension in the connection between the masses.

When a force diagram only shows the forces acting on the object of interest it is called a free-body diagram.

Example: A massless rope is attached to a block of wood that has a mass of 8 kg. A student is pulling to the right on the horizontal rope with a force of 9 Newtons. A 3 kg block of aluminum is attached by a massless string to the left side of the block of wood. The wood and aluminum are on a horizontal table. Ignore friction. Calculate the force the string applies to the aluminum object.

Start: Find the acceleration of the system. Only use external forces. There is only one external force, the 9 Newton force acting to the right. Use F = ma The total mass of the system is 11 kg.
9 Newtons = 11 kg * a
a = 0.818 m/s2

Next: Find the tension in the string connecting the aluminum and wood objects. The object of interest is now the aluminum object. The only external force acting on just the aluminum object is the tension in the string. The 9 Newton force does not act directly on the aluminum object so it is not considered.
Use F = ma
The force is the tension in the string. The mass for the object of interest is 3 kg. The acceleration values for the aluminum and wood are both 0.818 m/s2 .
Tension in string = 3 kg ( 0.818 m/s2 )
Tension in string = 2.45 Newtons

The apparent weight (measured by a bathroom scale) of a person riding in an elevator which is accelerating upward at 1 m/s2 is larger than the weight of the same person standing in the elevator as it moves upward at a constant rate of 3 m/s.
Use F = ma
The net force is the addition of the upward force of the bathroom scale on the person and the downward weight of the person.
Forcescale – mg = ma
Forcescale = mg + ma mg is the weight of the person. Forcescale is larger than mg.
Note: When the elevator reaches a constant speed the acceleration = 0 and Forcescale = mg.
Note: When the elevator nears the top of its motion the acceleration becomes negative and
Forcescale = mg + m(-a) and Forcescale < mg .

In September 2017 this YouTube video was available to show this effect.
You might want to search YouTube for other videos about scales and elevators. It is a popular topic for physics classes.

Normal, Tension, and Other Examples of Forces
Contact force: a force that occurs between two objects when they are touching

There are always pairs of forces in contact force situations but only the force acting on the object of interest is useful for the calculations.

Normal force: a contact force that is perpendicular to the surface

Tension in a rope is a force.

Inclined Plane Problems
When an object is on an inclined plane the weight vector is not parallel to the plane and is not perpendicular to the plane. Remember that when we write equations we must only use quantities that are parallel to each other. We will be interested in the velocity along the plane and the displacement along the plane. The components of the weight vector can be used in the equations.

Suppose a 7 kg object is resting on a frictionless inclined plane that has an angle of 34 degrees. The object is 1.4 meters up from the bottom of the plane. It is released from rest at a certain instant of time. Draw a free-body diagram at this time with the goal that you will calculate the time for the object to reach the bottom of the plane.
Steps to be done:
1. Calculate the component of the weight acting down the plane. Calculate the component of weight perpendicular to the plane.
2. Calculate the acceleration of the object down the plane using F = ma.
3. Calculate the time required for the object to reach the bottom of the plane using a kinematic equation.
The force of gravity perpendicular to the plane is not important in the calculation because it is not parallel to the plane. When friction is present this force will be used to determine the force due to friction.

A person is standing for 10 minutes, stationary, on a tight rope that is tied between two poles. It impossible for a real rope to not sag when a person is standing on the rope. The net force on the person in the vertical direction must be zero for the person to be stationary. As the rope sags the tension of the rope now has an upward component that balances the downward weight of the person.

An inertial reference frame is a frame in which Newton's Laws are valid. An inertial reference frame may be moving, but it is not accelerating. If the observer is in a non-inertial reference frame the observer will think there are forces present that don't actually exist.

Copyright© 2017 by Greg Clements Permission is granted to reproduce this document as long as 1) this copyright notice is included, 2) no charge of any kind is made, and, 3) the use is for an educational purpose. Editing of the document to suit your own class style and purposes is allowed.

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