Monday, September 18, 2017

Chapter 3 Part 1 Vectors, Graphical Method of Vector Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication

Prof. Clements Notes/Hints for Physics Courses
Chapter 3 Open Stax College Physics or Most Introductory Physics Courses
Vectors, Vector Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication

I highly recommend that you go to the web site to access the free OpenStax College Physics textbook and resources.

YouTube videos of my (usually short) lectures and example problems are indexed at . There are also a few videos that give review of basic math tools that are used in an introductory physics course.

Terms you should know at the end of this unit: vector, vector addition and subtraction, negative vector, scalar multiplication

This chapter will move you toward understanding and solving problems where objects move in two dimensions. This chapter will also help your understanding of vectors and vector related calculations. This chapter is not a major step up in difficulty compared to the previous chapter. You will still use the kinematic equations and your understanding of position, velocity, and acceleration. You will need to understand how to work with right triangles and trigonometric functions. Be sure to get help (your instructor, class mates, YouTube videos) if you have lingering questions after you study this material.

In the early chapters of physics textbooks you will usually only study problems in which the motion is over a small area and you can consider the Earth to be flat. I will not discuss problems in three dimensions.

The following is a very important concept. You must NEVER directly add numbers that are not in the same (straight line) direction. i.e. For displacement, you must NEVER add 4 km in the North direction to 3 km in the East direction to produce a result of 7 km. This result is wrong.

I will talk about X-type numbers and Y-type numbers. We will have two sets of equations in our problems. One set of equations will apply to motion in the X direction. A separate set of equations will apply in the Y direction. Another way to state this concept is that motion in the X direction has no effect on motion in the Y direction. i.e. An acceleration in the X direction has no effect on velocity in the Y direction. This point will be covered again later in the chapter.

It is common for textbooks to show illustrations that verify that motion in the X direction has no effect on motion in the Y direction.

Graphical Vector Addition and Subtraction
You should review the description of vectors in your textbook. A vector quantity has some magnitude and a direction. e.g. A value of velocity might be 4 m/s at an angle of 30 degrees to the positive X axis. Textbooks often show vector symbols in boldface or with an arrow above the symbol of the quantity.

The two methods of adding vectors are 1) graphical and 2) analytical (mathematical). This post will discuss the graphical method. The following post will discuss the analytical addition of vectors.
The tail of a vector is the starting part of the arrow. The head of the vector is the arrow part. For the graphical method you:
1) draw the first vector with an approximately correct length and the approximately correct angle to the X axis.
2) draw the second vector where the first vector ended. This creates the name of the method: "head-to-tail." Draw the second vector with its approximately correct angle relative to a line that is parallel to the X axis.
3) draw the resultant vector as a straight line starting at the beginning (tail) of the first vector that was drawn and ending at the head (arrow) of the last vector that was drawn.

You should review the examples of vector addition in your textbook. The graphical method is always approximate.

A minus sign in front of a vector symbol indicates that the direction of the vector is changed by 180 degrees while the magnitude is unchanged.

Algebra allows performing subtraction through the addition process. Suppose we want to subtract 3 from 8. We could write 8 - 3 or 8 + (-3) and produce the result of 5 either way. Vector subtraction is done by adding a negative vector. The method is similar to the calculation 8 + (-3) . Review the examples of vector subtraction in your textbook. The image below shows the addition and subtraction of two vectors:
C = A + B               C = A + (- B )

Multiplication of a vector by a scalar:
What is the meaning of 3 * 5? Answer: 3 * 5 is 5 + 5 + 5.
What is the meaning of 3X? Answer: 3X is X + X + X.
What is the meaning of 3A ? Answer: 3A is A + A + A .

Multiplication of a vector by a scalar just makes the vector longer. If the scalar is positive the direction is unchanged. The image above shows the vector multiplication 2A. If the scalar is negative the vector switches direction by 180 degrees.

Copyright© 2017 by Greg Clements Permission is granted to reproduce this document as long as 1) this copyright notice is included, 2) no charge of any kind is made, and, 3) the use is for an educational purpose. Editing of the document to suit your own class style and purposes is allowed.

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